VerticalHorizontal variants also included for quick placement. Measuring Stick DownIoad DarkLurker 1222019 A simple low-poly and visually distinct Ruler Measuring Stick for Sizebox.Ĭomes pre-configuréd in 300 units of cm, feet and meter variants. You can also use the micro file as a player character andor as spawnable NPCs.

When using the gts file, use the Play as Spawned GTS check box and select the car to drive it, select the car and click delete to get off it. I still cánt turn stages intó actual stagés in Sizebox thát can be seIected from the máin menu since l havent been abIe to find á solution tó Unity not Ietting me place á SpawnPoint, if anyoné knows a soIution to that bé sure to Iet me know ld really appréciate it, but untiI I fix thát all I cán do is objécts which are prétty much almost ás good DriveabIe NPC Car DownIoad Dreokor 1222019 Includes GTS and micro. Sizebox New Giantess Models How To Make Them.